Holly T. Ashley

Oh did I type that outloud?

Leading Children into Sin.

It has been proven repeatedly that childhood trauma, such as sexual and physical, emotional, spiritual, and psychological abuse, can last throughout a person’s lifetime.

These childhood traumatic experiences are even worse when the child is offered little to no protection or the events are minimized or normalized.

Last year, I received three separate phone calls from three different schools, two of which were elementary schools, regarding children who had been sexually abused by other students at these schools. No teacher, counselor, or administrator called the Department of Children’s Services (DCS) as required by law.

Ms. Carrie Pfieffer (Vice Chair for the Wilson County School Board; Zone 1) believes that reading the obscene, illicit books in the school libraries will “help these children feel less alone.”

Pfieffer was referring to the latest contested book, “Identical,” detailing a child’s incestual molestation by her father while her sister watched.

(By the way, it was put back on the shelf. Mature reading list, of course).

But research in this area of abuse demonstrates something totally different – and far more destructive.

As a researcher with over 35 years of experience in the field of domestic and sexual assault – and a former victim of childhood molestation, gang rape, and abuse, I can testify to the fact that “feeling alone” has never been the issue.

As a matter of fact, what these children and their future counterparts lack in their healing is protection. A feeling of safety and security by the supposed adults in the room.

Where are they?

Well, they aren’t in the school system, I can assure you. Or if they are, their silence is deafening!

Apparently, Pfieffer doesn’t believe in protecting your children.

She stated that these illicit books, complete with graphic and detailed illegal, demoralizing, degrading sexual acts, are “absolute literary value” and that they “teach empathy.”

No. What they do is normalize destructive behaviors and increase bad coping skills.

Leading children into sin is not okay. Teaching children to sin will make you wish for a millstone and a deep well.

To make matters worse, when psychopaths (and yes, we can identify them as early as 4 years old) read these books, we are training them.

Pfieffer and Chairwoman Jamie Farough (Zone 7), who quickly referenced her attendance at a church,  believe that because these illicit materials are on a “mature” reading list, the parents have control. Farough emotionally stated that she was a supporter of parental rights – on both sides.

Ms. Farough, I don’t know what church you attend, but God is not neutral. He gets to make the rules and set the standards. “They profess to know God, but they deny Him by their works. They are detestable, disobedient, unfit for any good work” (Titus 1:16).

If the shoe fits…

Either they don’t have teenage children, or they are just fools?

Do you know how many rated R movies underage kids see?

Little Johnny’s parents don’t care what he reads – or he’s eighteen and can check out any book he wants. So, he finds the graphic, sexually explicit, demeaning book on how to engage in an incestuous relationship with his sister and passes it along to his friend, who does not have permission.

If they don’t engage in the deranged behavior, it has been normalized and becomes acceptable in their psyche.

Studies have shown that watching or reading illicit materials increases the degradation and exploitation of women. It decreases brain matter. It reduces cognitive and executive functioning.

This has been proven in every medium across the board!

But, by all means – the 4 of you WCSB members, give it your stamp of approval.

Carrie Pfieffer – Vice Chair/Zone 1

Melissa Lynn – Ethics committee (? seriously)/Zone 3

Larry Tomlinson Zone 5

Jammie Farough – Chair/Zone 7

They all need to go!

Heaven knows our kids are doing so well in reading, writing, and arithmetic – not to mention behavioral issues – What’s the harm in decreasing their executive function and demoralizing women?

Morons! (From the biblically used Greek word “móros,” where we get the word moron. Synonymous with fool or idiot).

Pfieffer admitted that they have a filter on the internet but claims this mature reading list is “just as strong.”

She stated that comparing the internet (arms stretched out wide) to books in the library is a “logical fallacy.”

Pfieffer would be incorrect.

As a matter of empirical fact, it is a stepping stone to more illicit activities and behavioral issues.

Additionally, what it is not – is protection. Let alone anything of “literary value.”

The reality is that schoolteachers like Ms. Pfieffer, who openly state that they have children in their classrooms who are victims of these crimes, are doing more harm to these children by ignoring their responsibility to notify DCS and by allowing sexual predators access to these books.

Pfieffer’s statement, “It is good for children to see these books,” shows just how truly demented society has become, and we should rethink who is teaching our children – and what exactly they are teaching them.  

Why do I stand firm on this? Not only am I a professional who deals with the outcome of children who grow up in a society that degrades women and celebrates sexual psychosis – but I was a victim.

I’ve dealt with teachers, law enforcement agencies, and the judicial system of well-educated morons who have no idea what they are talking about regarding the behavioral and psychological outcomes of victims who have fallen prey to this type of training.

Nor are they smart enough to want to learn from the real experts.

Providing access to these books will have the same psychological and spiritual effect as experiencing the act firsthand. We know this from the overwhelming research on pornography, violent video games, domestic abuse, etc., and the effects on the human brain.

And I know we can argue about the terminology from a legal standpoint – until we find an attorney with a backbone. But please tell me that we are not so ignorant that we do not see the escalation from obscene to illicit to violent, just as a domestic verbal altercation can turn to physical abuse and domestic homicide – or having a beer with high school buddies can quickly escalate into binge drinking in college and alcoholism in later years.

Add some obscene/illicit materials – and we have date-rape drugs – and usually, some idiot video-taping the event to use against the victim if she was inclined to file a report.

This is the process of addiction and sinful man’s human nature– So why are we setting our children up for failure in our public school system? Studies have already revealed that 1 in 10 children under the age of 13 are clinically addicted to pornography.

Seriously? Do we need to compound this problem by allowing access to these materials in our tax-payer-funded public school system?

According to Pfieffer and Farough, that’s a hard YES!

Farough says that “everyone is for parental rights until you parent your children differently…”  

What does “parental rights” have to do with abusing children? Sexualizing children? Providing children with obscene materials? (“obscene,” by the way, goes against WCS policy 4.406).

No one has the right to sexualize or exploit a child or his/her innocence. Any child. Parent, schoolteacher, librarian, pedophile, or other – (unless you are on Epstein’s list, but I digress…)

This is not about parental “rights.” It is about child abuse.

Self-regulation (psych term)/Self-control (Biblical term) are key components we strive for when teaching our children, the importance of self-discipline. Whether in family relationships, on the sports field, or in the classroom, they must maintain control of themselves and their emotions.

As a matter of fact, Wilson County School policy states that students cannot access (4.406), create (6.704), or speak (Category 1-10, WCS 2021-2022 student handbook) these VERY SAME TYPES of OBSCENE materials that they are allowed to read.

In an article in the International Journal of Behavioral Consultation and Therapy, the mere “witnessing” of maladaptive behaviors presented a risk factor for increased victimology/criminology. Children who witness domestic violence are 1500 times more likely to become abusers/victims themselves. Reading books that the individual “identifies” with or contains intriguing scenarios only adds to the victimology and criminology of our children’s future – not to mention society as a whole.

Acceptance and neutrality – re-election is the name of the game. All while spouting their love for Jesus.

Save it.

You are guilty of training up predators and abusing our children.

And that is exactly what it is.


We are training predators. And training victims to be revictimized.

One of the multiple programs we offer is offender treatment. My experience in the field and numerous studies on offender treatment have proven offender treatment has been responsible for doing more harm than good when not done correctly (DOJ; Wormith; Witkowska-Palen, et. al.). I do an assessment before I allow them into the class.

Most are rejected.


Because they have learned how to play the game, they might be coming to the class because they are court-ordered. Still, they will not be allowed to attend our class if I discover through the assessment that they are only attending to learn how to speak “recovery” so that they can convince a judge (or their victim or the next victim) that they have changed.

I have absolutely no issue with telling an offender, judge, DA, probation, or victim that these predators are nothing more than conniving, lying – but studious – predators, and they need to be locked up far and away from society.

I also have no issue telling victims that they have been conditioned to believe that they will always be victims and, therefore, are allowed to hate the world around them and become unproductive, drug addicted, sexually promiscuous, depressed, anxious, neurotic, unhealthy, unhappy, members of society (Brents et al.).

But they don’t have to be.

They must quit believing this erroneous, unholy fallacy perpetuated in these books – and the morons that wrote them.

Therefore, I will continue to fight, loud and hard, against these training materials that are now targeting our youth.

The last thing I want is to have them as our clients.

How “móros” can you be to allow this “skubalon” (another biblical Greek word, look it up and learn something) in our public schools?

These are supposed to be well-educated…

Oh wait, I just answered my own question.

So, how did we get here?

We got her by allowing Satan the foothold the Bible tells us not to give him.

We have normalized sibling-to-sibling abuse (the number one form of domestic violence and predictor of bullying behaviors in schools), we have ignored (or drugged) the warning signs of maladaptive behaviors leading to aggression (whether sexual or physical) and victimization, we do not hold parents accountable, we believe in these “government agencies,” to raise our children. And we have sold out to the ever-changing/evolving as society deems appropriate: psychological jargon that defies logic – let alone vacated the non-changing, biblical standards.

Additionally, we have these behavioral and biblically illiterate people teaching in our classrooms, heading up the school boards, thinking they understand and know the best way to “protect” our children and their innocence is to allow them to experience or relive the experience through books.

Of course, it would be in the name of “empathy,” according to Pfieffer.

Or maybe Pfieffer has a different definition of empathy?

Is it empathetic to allow a child to relive sexual immorality and learn that self-harm is a viable option for coping?

Is it empathetic to train sexual predators who prey on their classmates? And then not notify DCS? Let alone the child’s parents!

Is it empathetic to normalize sexually explicit and violent behaviors?


Because that is exactly what is happening.


Currently, I am working on a case whereby three children were consistently sexually raped and abused by their father. At a chance encounter with one of the teachers at the children’s school, she said, “That doesn’t surprise me. I knew something was going on…”

She was the primary education teacher – three and four years BEFORE the information came to light…

She wasn’t surprised?

She knew?

She will now be listed in the civil lawsuit.

DCS was not notified until the mother made the demand.

DCS also failed by not interviewing the two other children fathered by the offender.

Law Enforcement failed by not seizing cell phones and computers from the offender, who, coincidently, was a former government officer.

The judge lowered the bond, allowing it to be quickly posted, whereby the offender sold everything and moved out of state.

So, sure – let’s let the government and the boards of education tell us what is suitable for our children. They are doing such a fine job providing the justice these victims will need down the road.

Elections for the WilCo School Board are coming up – choose wisely. It is most certainly costing them their innocence today. It could cost your child his or her future altogether.

Holly T. Ashley is a domestic/sexual assault advocate, speaker, published researcher, and author. She holds a Master’s degree in forensic psychology and is the Executive Director of Redemption. Restoration. Recovery. A Christ-centered, biblically based, non-profit organization. A subsidiary of Cross Strength Ministries and is under the authority of her husband, Pastor David Ashley, MAA, MDiv.

7 comments on “Leading Children into Sin.

  1. Pingback: Leading Children into Sin. | Cross Strength Ministries

  2. Sam Spadaro
    November 1, 2023

    Ms Ashley, thank you so much for your passionate, well exampled and well written article.

    Having spoken at WC School Board several times on age-inappropriate, deviant library materials, I completely agree with your assessment of the Board members you named.

    The dismissive arrogance of several Board members is puzzling, considering high school graduates are a sad +/-50% proficiency in reading, writing and math. They, and their appointed officials, should be embarrassed, not boastful of their “relative standing” to other failing school districts.

    Consider this, 50% proficiency in reading, writing and math, will have disastrous ramifications, and it consequences for the graduates and for Tennessee.

    Additionally, Melissa Lynn, Zone 3, is proposing only parents with children in WC schools should be allowed to speak before the Board.

    This is even more puzzling, because 81 cents of every, single Realestate Tax dollar goes to schools. However, only 32% of Wilson County’s population are parents with kids under 18 years. The majority of these parents are working, exhausted and can’t leave home for night-time Board meetings without great inconvenience .

    For the other 68% of Wilson County taxpayers, Ms Lynn’s out of touch proposal is “taxation without representation”.

    In summary, The deviant sexual material in WC school libraries, as damaging as it is, is just the tip of the iceberg.

    • Holly T. Ashley
      November 6, 2023

      Yes indeed!!! I’m not done.

    • Holly T. Ashley
      February 16, 2024

      We were very successful! Only 13 were returned, one is still in review. We are reviewing our options – But will continue to examine our options for getting the rejected books into the school’s libraries. We will proceed with the movement throughout the counties of Tennessee. Thank you for your support!

  3. Pingback: 500+ Christian Books Donated To Wilson County School Libraries Following Recent Book Challenge Controversy - Tennessee Conservative

    • Holly T. Ashley
      February 16, 2024

      We were very successful! Only 13 were returned, one is still in review. We are reviewing our options – But will continue to examine our options for getting the rejected books into the school’s libraries. We will proceed with the movement throughout the counties of Tennessee. Thank you for your support!

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