Holly T. Ashley

Oh did I type that outloud?

Donate to help stop Domestic Violence!

R3 (Redemption, Restoration, Recovery) Domestic Violence Services and Training is a division of Cross Strength Ministries and is a 501c3 non-profit Christian organization that provides on-site and on-location domestic violence services, resources and referrals to domestic violence victims.

R3 also provides counseling services, attorneys, court advocacy and domestic violence classes to communities across the nation.

R3 is an education, awareness and training center that offers a 40 hour extensive domestic violence training with the added opportunity to join our national network, in addition to providing Christian organizations: Week-end mother/daughter workshops, father/son weekend-workshops, speakers, educators, and resources.

R3 meets the requirements for court-appointed domestic violence and offender mandated programming and provides a comprehensive domestic violence class curriculum.

To support our ministry, please click here to donate. To set up reoccurring payments to support our ministry, please go directly to our website at: http://www.Redemption3.com.

R3 is a division of Cross Strength Ministries, LLC and is a 501c3 Christian organization. All donations are tax deductible 46-1843910 (group no. 8617).

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