Holly T. Ashley

Oh did I type that outloud?

Absorbing the Cost…

There’s a missing piece to grace and forgiveness, a missing link if you will, kind of like Bigfoot. It’s a piece of the puzzle I don’t fully understand myself, so you’ll find no brilliant revelations, no solved riddles here. The best I can do is point out that I keep having this visual of a jigsaw puzzle laid out on a table, but it is imperfect, unfinished, because there are some pieces in the middle missing…..

See, there's this thing called biology...

silhouette of window Photo by KML on Pexels.com

There’s a missing piece to grace and forgiveness, a missing link if you will, kind of like Bigfoot. It’s a piece of the puzzle I don’t fully understand myself, so you’ll find no brilliant revelations, no solved riddles here. The best I can do is point out that I keep having this visual of a jigsaw puzzle laid out on a table, but it is imperfect, unfinished, because there are some pieces in the middle missing.

I know the answer to this riddle in some kind of spiritual, ethereal way, but I just cannot put my finger on it, I cannot make it tangible and material. I can however, assure you that there is a piece missing from our puzzle. That missing puzzle piece answers the question, “what is the difference between a  Christian and a doormat?”

All in good humor here, but I know…

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This entry was posted on October 7, 2019 by in Call to Action.